Facade cladding on KLB masonry
Regulations for the use of facade claddings
For buildings with up to 8 m in height, independent of the size and weight of the cladding elements, the description of the building method with construction information is generally sufficient in the construction specifications.
During the implementation the technical construction regulations (e.g. DIN 18516), guidelines or trade regulations (e.g. regulations of the Central Association of the German Roofer Trade) must be followed. For different construction methods of facade claddings such regulations are missing. The building supervisory authority then decides on the usability, in case of doubt possibly taking into account expert opinions or test certificates.
For masonry only mortared in the horizontal joint, so also for KLB masonry with mortar-free butt joint interlocking, fully covering rough cast must be provided for rear ventilated claddings on the exterior side of the masonry to prevent draughts.